Yes, tracking and localization devices can be combined.
The activation takes place 48 hs. after the installation.
All the areas that have, or are covered by GPRS system. Anyway, when the vehicle is crossing an area that doesn´t have this type of covering, it continues storing all the information and it can be recovered when it enter again to a covered area, and recorded as a part of the report of the day.
No, you can check your information all the times that you want.
Due to the fact that Google an Vitual Earth are services that don´t depend of our Company directly, it´s impossble for us to handle their time of downloading. Thats why we suggest you to use Ubimap in order to get a faster preview, and also we recomend the use of Internet Explorer 7 or Mozilla Firefox2, because they optimizate the performance of the site.
A geofence is a geographical area that represents an specific area for a GPS device. Creating your own geofences you can recieve reports (via mail) of inmcoming or outcoming of the areas you delimitate.
Through the menu "Fence", you will accede to the fence administrator. After that, you will see two data grids. The left one has a resumee of all the fences and the right one has the detail of the fence selected with the possibilities to edit a existing fence or to create a new one (if you don´t have fences already, you will only see the right grid in an edition of new fence mode). To enter a new one, you must use the right grid, if this one is not in the "edit mode" you must do a double click in the new one. After, you will be able to fill all the data of your fence (vehicle, label, etc.) and you will have the possibility to delimitate the fence area (center, radio, which represents the circle that fits in the square fence area) doing click with your mouse in the place of the map where the center will be located. You can also enter manually latitude and longitude, and after enter the radio. Before confirming the new fence you can see a preview of it by a click in preview.
When you enter the site, click on "vehicles". You will see that a dialog window appears, where you will have to select your vehicle and then, "check online". You will see your vehicle in the map. If you want to change the type of visualization, just make click on the different options that the systems gives you.
To do the export to Excel or Virtual Earth go to “Reports”. Make a click on "History" and you will see the page that has the visualization of the ongoing day. In the lower side, you will see the exportation icons, and only clicking on them you will obtain the reports required, even the ones that belong to days before.
To stablish speed controls click on the menu of speed control. Then you will be able to enter the data required: vehicle, email report for speed excess. After this, make a click in "Add Limit" and the new speed limit will appear in the list of "Active Limits".
The updating of the information of the site is every 2 minutes, and for this reason we have to consider the visualizing as “on line”.
The distance covered can be seen in the "reports" menu when you accede to "History".
No, te device doesn´t produce any warning when the driver descends from the vehicle.